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Finding the best Laptop Repair near me

  Evolution of computers   We have come across generations of computers over the decades. It was a great invention to make human lives easier. We saw major changes as technology evolved. With time, computers became smaller in size. They were affordable for the common people. Laptops were widely popular as they were easier to carry and use. However, they had low configurations to carry out complex tasks. The desktops were meant for commercial usage. They had more advanced features. Businesses mainly used them for tasks with higher volumes. From desktops to laptops  A centralized network, storage, and servers link the desktops in an organization. It ensures optimum data security. Laptops were designed for personal tasks or recreation. People used laptops to play games and watch movies. To access emails and browse through social media pages. It was expensive to upgrade a laptop with advanced configurations. However, in the last two decades, the scenario has changed. More people and busine

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